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Chicken manure organic fertilizer granulator use skills


When using chicken manure organic fertilizer granulator, the following are some tips and precautions:

1. Adjust the parameters of the granulator: different types of organic fertilizer equipment may have different operating requirements, including feed speed, pressure and temperature. Adjust the appropriate parameters according to the operation instructions of the granulator to ensure that the chicken manure can be effectively pressed into pellets.

2. Add auxiliary materials: Sometimes, in order to improve the mechanical strength and fertilizer efficiency of chicken manure particles, you can add appropriate amounts of binders or other organic materials, such as straw, wood chips, etc. These auxiliary materials help to improve the molding rate and quality of the particles.

3. Regular cleaning and maintenance: there will be some dust and residue accumulation during the use of the pelletizer, and regular cleaning and maintenance is the key to maintaining the performance of the organic fertilizer production line and extending the service life. Especially after refueling or shutdown, thorough cleaning should be carried out.

4. Safe operation: Pay attention to safety when operating the pelletizer, and ensure that you do not put your hands or other items into the feed or discharge port when the machine is running. Wear protective equipment when using to avoid accidents.

5. Quality inspection and storage: After granulation is completed, quality inspection should be carried out to ensure that the size, shape and hardness of the particles meet the requirements. Particles can be stored in a ventilated and dry place to avoid moisture and mildew.

Through the above skills and precautions, chicken manure can be more effectively used to produce high-quality organic fertilizer particles, and improve its application effect in agricultural production.