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Practice method of organic fertilizer screener machine to avoid gridlock


First, the key factors to avoid gridlock: the selection and design of screening equipment

1. Choose the right screening equipment: When selecting the organic fertilizer screener machine, the characteristics of organic fertilizer should be fully considered and the equipment with good blocking function should be selected.

2. Screening equipment design: The design of organic fertilizer screening machine should pay attention to the following aspects:

(1) Design of screening parts: multi-layer screening structure is used to enable organic fertilizer to be screened step by step in the screening process and reduce the risk of network blockage.

(2) Feed port design: Optimize the shape and Angle of the feed port, so that the organic fertilizer can be evenly distributed to the screen surface, reducing congestion.

(3) Screening mesh design: According to the particle size characteristics of organic fertilizer, reasonable selection of screening mesh size to avoid too small mesh resulting in organic fertilizer can not pass.

Second, optimize the screening parameters to reduce the risk of network blockage

1. Screening speed: appropriately improve the screening speed, so that organic fertilizer can pass quickly in the screening process, reduce the risk of network blockage.

2. Screening strength: Reasonable adjustment of screening strength, to avoid too large or too small screening strength to cause organic fertilizer to stay on the screen surface for too long or broken.

3. Feed quantity: control the feed quantity to make the equipment operate within the normal working range and avoid network blocking due to excessive feed.

Third, strengthen the management and maintenance in the screening process

1. Operator training: Strengthen the training of operators so that they can master the operation methods and precautions of organic fertilizer screening machines.

2. Equipment inspection and maintenance: Check and maintain the screening equipment regularly to ensure that the organic fertilizer equipment runs in good condition.