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The development direction of organic fertilizer equipment


Organic fertilizer equipment is for energy saving and environmental protection, to complete pollution-free treatment, to become the trend of future development, and to contribute to the ecological environment. This is because organic fertilizers have many advantages. The application rate of organic fertilizer is high and the fertilizer effect is strong. The application amount of common nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 30 ~ 40%. Due to the action of amino acids, it can be increased to about 70%. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, boron and other nutrients in fertilizer can provide balanced nutrition according to the needs of crop growth, meet the needs of the entire development period of crops, promote the early stratification and yeltization of crops, increase yield and improve quality. The organic fertilizer production line enhances the controllability of fertilizer efficiency. The balanced supply of effective nutrients of potassium and nitrogen and long-term nutrients during the growing period of crops can ensure the quality and yield of crops, improve the resistance of crops, especially to inhibit the blight caused by root rot, black spot and fusarium.