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Why does the tool of organic fertilizer crusher wear


Tool wear in organic fertilizer crushers is usually caused by the following factors:

1. Raw material hardness: If the raw material is hard or contains more minerals, such as stones or nut shells, it will accelerate the wear of the tool.

2. Foreign body mixing: If the raw material is mixed with hard objects or metal fragments, it will cause additional wear and tear to the tool, and may even damage the tool.

3. Improper operation: overload operation, too fast or too slow operation speed, or inappropriate operating procedures may lead to excessive tool wear.

4. Humidity and viscosity of raw materials: raw materials with higher humidity will increase the friction of the tool, resulting in increased wear; Sticky raw materials may accumulate on the tool, affecting the cutting effect.

5. Tool material: The material and hardness of the tool will also affect its wear resistance. High quality tool materials usually have better wear resistance.

6. Improper maintenance: Lack of regular inspection and maintenance, not timely replacement or repair tool, will lead to the normal wear of the tool is not treated, and then affect the service life of organic fertilizer equipment.

7. Equipment design and manufacturing quality: poor equipment design and manufacturing quality may also lead to accelerated tool wear, and unreasonable tools may not be able to effectively cope with various conditions in actual use.

Regular maintenance, reasonable operation and proper raw material handling help to slow tool wear and improve its service life and crushing efficiency.