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(1) The initial and basic state of organic fertilizer equipment , maintain the original design parameters: this is the most basic work, that is, the first step to reduce organic fertilizer equipment is to restore the basic state of organic fertilizer equipment.
(2) Strictly abide by the operating procedures, prevent and avoid destructive operations, prevent and avoid overload operation: the problems of organic fertilizer equipment are mostly caused by improper operation or improper maintenance, and the significance of regulating employee behavior is to prevent and reduce organic fertilizer equipment problems caused by these simple reasons.
(3) Constantly discover, prevent and repair natural degradation, so that organic fertilizer equipment can be repaired in the potential state: the significance of self-maintenance, through the participation of front-line employees, in the first time to find the problem, comprehensive management standardized production maintenance to promote the discovery and elimination of seven activity sources, one of the most important links is to solve the source of failure.
(4) Correct the design and manufacturing defects of organic fertilizer equipment with improved design defects and active maintenance,
(5) Prevent man-made damage, avoid man-made damage, prevent damage maintenance,
(6) Control the abnormal conditions and accelerated deterioration of organic fertilizer equipment